Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update Day 4, 221 Miles

January 14, 2008

Before we left our hotel in the morning I asked the manager for directions on how to get to Veracruz. He reminded me of our old neighbor Ralph Adame only shorter but equally as animated. As he proceeded to shout directions and throw his arms in all directions I had no choice but to shake my head as if I knew exactly what he was saying. So with his total confidence that we would get there he sent us on our way. As it turns out I understood next to nothing which I believe all of you reading this already knew. As it turns out my GPS is not so accurate down here. We ended up in the old center of town and could not get out. The GPS showed bridges over the water where there were no bridges. After some time I started asking for directions. I found a guy on a small motorcycle and asked him he lead us for a mile or so and send us on our way. Then to make sure of his directions I ask a police officer and he confirmed what we were told after all was said and done we burned up 1:40 of precious day light which should have taken 5 min. Who cares we were having fun and seeing more of the city than we hoped for.

The rest of the day was pleasant taking us through more coastal plains and some mountains. We did stop for a modified lunch of tangerines at one point but that was it for lunch.

As the day was getting close to an end it started to rain. We pulled over put on our rain gear and pressed on. After about 30 minutes common sense got the best of us and we found a hotel right on the beach. Once checked in we had dinner at the hotel restaurant and then it was bed time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you get sick when you eat only citrus and ride. I know they were grapefruits, but what's the difference. Good Luck.