Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update Day 6, 188 Miles

January 16, 2008

Today we decided to make it an easy day of riding. We were out of the hotel by 8 am and Mike dumped his bike over promptly at 8:00:01. As he was pulling out of the parking area onto the street he lost his footing because the streets are oily and it was foggy so there was dew everywhere. Nothing bad happened to him or his bike so we picked it up and we were on our way. It was a fast 188 miles to the town of Palenque. When I say fast you have to realize this is by Mexico standards. As you can see by previous days it can take a while to go a little ways but they have all been full days of riding.

We made it to Palenque at 12 noon and were done riding for the day for the most part. We found a great place for lunch and then decided to do the tourist thing and go see the local Mayan Ruins. We spent about 2 hours there and could have easily spent a few more but it was hot. It was very interesting to see and I am sure that we will be seeing a few more in the near future. When we were done touring we rode back into town and found a very nice hotel that is very clean and friendly with motorcycle friendly parking to boot.

I think that is enough for a few days. I have been here at the computer for almost 3 hours and Mike just told me I am missing the world pass me by.

Bye for now.

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