Monday, January 21, 2008

Update Day 10, 239 Miles

January 20, 2008

I am starting to get a little worried now. I do not want to be starting any bad habits here but it is another early day for me, 7:15. It is a quick 30 minute ride to the border of Honduras. And as it turns out that is about the only quick thing for today. I knew it was going to be a difficult crossing so I hired the services of a helper named Renee for $5. The problems started when he asked me for my title to the bike, which I do not have. To make a long story somewhat short, it takes about 2 hours and a $30 payoff to the boss to let me in without a title. On top of the $40 it normally costs to get the bike in; all this for 2 hours of riding through their country. The first half was hot and boring riding as the temperature is now hovering around 94 and at sea level. Then it climbs into the mountains for some more, you guessed it, great roads. I know it is getting old hearing about the roads but it has been that good. Anyway I will spare everyone the details and just say I had fun.

My next big thing to do is get into Nicaragua which turns out to be a breeze. I don't know why I had a feeling things were going to be down right difficult in Nicaragua but to my surprise they were not. Another thing that surprised the hell out of me and probably will you is that the women down here are just beautiful.

Once into Nicaragua I head to a family friends house of Sylvia in Jinotega. Most of the way to their house was good but hot. Then you start climbing into the mountains again. I turn onto the last road to the town and half way in it turns to dirt which I was not expecting. I stop, turn the ABS and Traction Control off and prepare for some fun in the dirt. It was about 15 miles of rocks and dodging dump trucks but fun. I arrived at the house at 3:45 and was greeted by Felix and his mom. She has a beautiful home with a great garden patio in the center of the house. I have dinner with Felix and his brother Gerardo then we go to his Aunt’s house next door and meet more of his family and have a few cocktails.

I am sorry to be redundant here but it was another good day.


Anonymous said...

I Knew You Were A Family Man AT Heart. Dont Drink The Black Water

Anonymous said...

GLAD YOU'RE HAVING FUN. all i have to say... Please enjoy your time away,becuz its back to hell again some day. I'm so jealous. :) Taught sb how to use the internet to track you so now i don't have to read to him every afternoon. just HAPPY you are safe and having fun. much love! mishy